Can you say Relationships!
Can you say Love!
Can you say Marriage!
Can you say Friends!
Can you say Family!!
Can you say Career!
That’s right Relationships affect you and how you respond to the world!
Let’s get it Together!
We are at it again. Our 2nd summer of writing books together. This is not a collaboration.
Join us as we celebrate Marching forward the WRITE way! This past summer in a closed group called Godly Principles to Influence others from May 31, 2019-August 31, 2019 these new Authors spent there summer writing!! This was not a collaborative of one book!! But of 12 new books!!📚This is the first wave of accomplished published Authors!! CONGRATULATIONS! (Admission is free)
Details and dates for 2021 TBA Soon!
Meet us at the table to be in the conversations and spicey subjects!
Real People
Real Life
Real Stories
Joins us for the Live Taping of A Moment At The Table filming!
Limited Seating!
Copyright 2018 @ Darolyn Brock All rights reserved